Wana Patrichi

Wana Patrichi is the presenter and producer of the radio show Ladies Talk, an open round table for everybody who has a story that can inspire our audience. Even a little inspiration can count for somebody out there. Join Wana every Saturday afternoon from 2pm-4pm.

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One Thought to “Wana Patrichi”

  1. Hi, my name is Robert Valentine, Northampton author of The Ghost of Kingshill middle school.

    It’s a spooky story about 5 teenagers having a sleepover on a local school to see if they can spot the ghost. It’s a great read for readers aged 9 upwards.

    The story was inspired by my time at Kingsley park middle school in the 80’s. There was a ghostly rumour circulating the school and I thought it would make a great story one day. I simply had to write it.

    The school still stands on St George’s Avenue as it’s a listed building. I do believe it is linked to Bosworth independent College.

    I would be delighted to come on the show to share my spooky story!

    I look forward to hearing from you


    Robert Valentine

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