Sea and Sardinia

Sea and Sardinia is a travel book by the English writer D. H. Lawrence that describes a brief excursion undertaken in January 1921 with his wife Frieda from Taormina to the interior of Sardinia, where they visited Cagliari, Mandas, Sorgono and Nuoro. To mark the centinary of the book, Northampton based (Sardinain born) film maker and photographer Danielle Marzeddu & partner Vicky Baker organised a crowd funding project to make their film ‘Seeing Sardinia’ which connects D. H. Lawrence to the United Kingdom and his homely roots. Mark Dean spoke…

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Panoramic Study

BAME Adults over the age of 50 or with an underlying health condition who test positive for COVID-19 are being urged to sign up for a world-first COVID-19 study which is providing life-saving antivirals to thousands of people. Antiviral treatments that can be taken at home will play a significant role in helping those who are the most at risk from Covid-19. The government and leading charities, including Kidney Care UK, Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Diabetes UK are calling on at least 6,000 more participants to come forward for these…

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Mark Dean Interviews NAJ Nurses Alina Wallace & Sherill Gregory

The Nurses Association of Jamaica (UK) is a non-profit making charitable organisation founded in 1978 by a small group of nurses whose vision was to provide support, advice and guidance to the new recruits coming to the UK from Jamaica. The organisation was formed to develop and support Caribbean nurses settling in the UK. They have recently required funds from the NHS to engage with nurses across the UK and have been reaching out through various platforms. ALINA WALLACE & SHERILL GREGORY have been speaking to Mark Dean about a recruitment drive…

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